
We're Sooooooooo Excited.....

Last night, we met with our priest and deacon and set a date to start the church's first Financial Peace University class! We had taught FPU before moving here 2 years ago, and have missed it greatly. We've always felt that the need was here, but weren't sure that we were being called to do it. Then we had a baby, then this, then that.... then we contacted our priest and he said he'd look into it, then he got sick, then the diocese had no answer.... UG!

It was a long road to get here, but now we've set a date and we couldn't be more excited. We have lots of families already interested. What's great is that our church has amazing facilities that are less than a year old and can easily accommodate a large group. We also have on-site child care!

Starting this up is a bit nerve racking - what if it doesn't go well? - but we're starting! This church is about 4x the size of our previous one, so I'm betting on a big turnout. Dare I say, I think our priest is even more excited than us. He sees the need every day. He was telling us of families making $100 - 120k per year talking about pulling there kids our of the Catholic school because they just can't afford it. "You've got to be kidding me!"

Have you taken FPU? Ever thought of facilitating a class in your area? It's not as hard as you might think. The first class that we taught... we were taking ourselves! It's really not tough to lead a class, and really requires no special knowledge. Though if all else fails, ask yourself, "What would Dave do?"


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