
2009 Goals

With our 2010 goals posted, it sorta felt like we forgot something....
Oh yeah! Our 2009 goals.

Here's a quick look at what was and what wasn't for 2009:

  1. Participate in company 401k up to the match - Easily accomplished with a slight adjustment
  2. Refund My Roth IRA - it was around mid year that we got our investments overhauled and re-prioritized retirement over college saving.
  3. Fully fund 529s for both our daughters - And that's where the money ran out thus far. Had pay raises not been suspended for 2009, this would have been no problem.
  4. Car replacement fund - got robbed. But hey, I mean - roof vs. car, car vs. roof. We needed a new roof.
It's always good to remember - you can't do everything. You don't know what a years time will bring your way. These were good goals, and the latter two won't be going away. In this crazy economy, I'd say we did pretty darn good.

How did your 2009 goals shake out? Did the economy shake you? Or was it something else?


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