
The HDTV Challenge - Update 3

Another update, but this one with some actual news! We've made progress on our goal of $1400 (a liberal estimate), and as they say, "when it rains, it pours". Our previous HDTV fund balance was $376. We've added to that:

  • $200 from the proceeds of our garage sale.
  • $224 from items sold on ebay
  • ~$200 from a bonus check
So, after several months of little to no progress, other than being patient and sticking to our commitment, we've really gotten it in gear. The bonus check has not come in yet, so I'm not sure what I'll see of it after taxes. Should be at least $200. For now, we'll leave that out of the totals.
  • previous balance = $376
  • current balance = $800
It's not been fast, but I'm very satisfied with amassing $800 over 6 months by simply selling things we already owned.


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